
Long Coat

I scored a nice long red coat during my thrift shopping adventure last Sunday. I love the color, I love the fit, I love everything about it! Except for one thing - I haven't worn a long coat in my entire life. I am not talking about the coat that reaches your knee, what I have reaches to half of my calves, almost to the ankle. So see, it's long. For 10 bux, I bought it anyway, or should I say, my mother in law bought it for me. :) She said I look good in it and I took her word for it. 

When I got home, I was thinking of taking to a tailor and cutting a few inches off of it just so it's not that long.  However, hearing that it's going to be 45-50 bux plus tax, I say, 'no way, jose'.  I told myself, I'm gonna rock this coat! So I spent the night and the next couple of days retrying the coat and searching for pegs in pinterest. I also adjusted the buttons at the back so it looks slimmer and I won't look like I've been swallowed by a giant red coat. I wore mah new coat yesterday to go to the nearest grocery store and it's super warm and chic (100% wool baby!). Hope to share some pics in the next posts.

I found a lot of inspiration in pinterest and here they are:

worn over a maxi dress or skirt or a short dress/ skirt

over pants

moral of the story? don't be intimidated by something out of your comfort zone. try new things and rock them! long coats are classic and chic!

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