
Happy Thanksgiving!

It's my first Thanksgiving ever. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the Philippines so I am pretty excited about it. My husband, on the other hand, finds that it's just another holiday. Anyway, I'm still excited. Unlike in the US, Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on the second Monday of October. We went to the supermarket for some turkey breasts but there's none left so we settled for some huge chicken breasts instead. Jesse did the cooking and they were yummy! 

I have to say I have a lot of things to be thankful for that sometimes I overlook them and end up complaining about things that don't really matter at all. I try to remind myself everyday that I am very blessed with the life that I have now, the people that I am with and with what I have - no matter how big or small they are. It helps to step back once in a while and examine my life from the outside to realize how amazing life is. I can go on and on with these cliches but the bottom line is appreciate what we have and stop complaining about nonsense stuff (ok, maybe it's fine to complain sometimes but don't sulk). As my husband always say, enjoy life one day at a time. 

What about you, what are the things you are thankful for? 

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